Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mr. Morales U.S. History and Government Class: Welcome to American Government Seniors!!!

Nicole Medina

It is important to know about the government because it is a big part of everyone’s life. How long they go to school, how the transportation works in their city, how the quality of the food is that is consumed, and the biggest one is how much money you pay for your taxes, those just being a few ways the government affects our lives. I am a Republican because I believe in the principles of capitalism. My families for many generations have had small businesses. All different types of them from a bakery to a bus transportation route to a fashion wholesale jewelry company. I believe that increasing jobs through businesses is the key to unemployment and the fixing of the economy. I do not like Obama policies because they hurt business. My goals after high school are to go into college and then get into law school to become a lawyer, I want to become a prosecutor.